Tournament Rules -- MAIN EVENT
Please read carefully ... there is plenty of information on this page

Last updated Jan 13, 2014

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  • To Register Online for the Main Event, click this button
     Register Now

  • If you prefer to Register for the Main Event through the US Mail, click here.  The mail-in Registration Form is the 2nd page of the two-page document.  Please put your registration in the mail by Monday, March 12th, to ensure we receive it on time!!

  • Any Player not registered and paid for the Main Event by 9PM Friday, March 14th will not be paired for Round 1 of the tournament without the approval of the Chief Tournament Director.

  • CELL PHONES must be turned off while your game is in progress.  A phone that rings means a 10-minute time penalty for the offending player.  A player who answers his/her cell phone, or is "texting" during play, will forfeit their current game.

  • Round 1 is at 9AM on Saturday March 15th.  See "Event Schedule" for the times of Rounds 2 through 6.

  • Player Eligibility:

    • Scholastic Players must be attending a public, private, or home school in VA ... or be a Virginia Resident attending another school out of state. 

    • Collegiate players must be attending college in VA, or be VA residents attending college out-of-state.  Also, titled IM, FM, or GM players cannot be more than 25 years old as of September 1, 2013.

    • ALL PLAYERS must be active members of the US Chess Federation. To join the USCF, or to renew your existing membership, click here.  If you are unsure about your membership status, go to the USCF's Member Support Area.

    • Please direct any Eligibility Questions to Mike Hoffpauir as shown at the bottom of this page.

  • Five Sections:  K-3, K-5, K-8, K-12, and College.  Players may play up into a higher section, but the Collegiate Section is only for players who have completed High School and are now attending College.  In other words, the College Section is only for College players.

  • Six Rounds of Chess:

    • Swiss System, with tie-breaks in the sequence specified in the US Chess Federation's Rules of Chess, 5th Edition.  See also "Ties" below.

    • Each player can request one 1/2-point BYE.

      • Byes for Rounds 1-2 must be requested before registration closes at 9PM on Friday evening.

      • Byes for Rounds 3-6 must be requested before the start of Round 2 at 12-noon on Saturday.

    • 4 Rounds on Saturday, 2 Rounds on Sunday (see "Event Schedule").  NOTE:  The College Section only plays the Rounds on Saturday (e.g. only 4 rounds).

    • Time Controls:  Rounds 1-3 (Game-60), Rounds 4-6 (Game-90)

    • The Chief TD may use Accelerated Pairings in Rounds 1 and 2 for large sections (e.g. Sections with well over 100-125 players).  If accelerated pairings are in use, the Chief TD will announce this information prior to the start of Round 1 in the affected section(s).

    • In the later rounds of the tournament it is possible for a player to play a teammate

  • TeamsThis is an INDIVIDUAL tournament, with Team Points determined using the results of the players on a Team. 

    • A "Team" is defined as two or more players who attend the same school and who are playing in the same section of the tournament. 

    • Schools may not have more than one team competing in the same section. 

    • Team Points are calculated by adding the scores of the 4 best-performing players from the same school (they may or may not be the top-rated players from that school). 

    • Players who "Play Up" cannot have their points counted with the points of school-mates playing in another section of the tournament.  However, if two or more players from the same school play up, they are a "team" in that section of the tournament.

    • Anyone with questions about their Team's composition should contact Mike Hoffpauir as shown at the bottom of this screen.  Also, see the "Teams -- Frequently Asked Questions" page we've created.

  • Chess Notation:  Players in all Sections except K-3 are required to record their games using Chess Notation.  Practice now!!  The only authorized electronic score-keeping (notation) devices that can be used in the State Championships are the Monroi, the eNotate, and the PlyCount..  All three of these devices have been approved by the US Chess Federation for use in any USCF-rated tournament.  (Note: These links DO NOT CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT of either product by the VCF.  We provide them so you know what these devices are, what they do, and what they cannot do.)

  • The Top Finishing player, male or female, in the K-8 Section is eligible to receive assistance to represent Virginia at the Barber Tournament of State Middle School Champions held in August 2014 during the US Open.

  • The Top Finishing FEMALE player from the K-12 Section is eligible to receive assistance to represent Virginia at the National Girls Invitational Tournament held during the US Open in August 2014.

  • The Top Finishing high-school age player, male or female, in the High School Section is eligible to receive assistance to represent Virginia at the Arnold Denker Tournament of State High School Champions held in August 2014 during the US Open.

  • Chess Sets and Boards are provided at the tournament.  BRING YOUR CLOCK (if you own one) and some pens and pencils.


A Few More Selected Tournament Rules
These rules supplement the US Chess Federation (USCF) Rule Book (5th ed) and apply only to this tournament.

  • Chess Equipment

    • Pens / Pencils:  Players are responsible for bringing their own pens or pencils.  We will not provide them at the tournament.

    • Chess NotationPlayers in all Sections except K-3 are required to record their games.  All players should arrive at the tournament knowing how to take chess notation, there is no time to teach notation over the board during play. Players who cannot take notation due to religious reasons or a physical disability should inform the Section Chief in their Section. "I don't know how to take notation" is not an excuse.

    • Chess ClocksIf you have a chess clock, please bring it ... and be sure your batteries are fresh.  Know how to use a clock, because your opponent is likely to have one.  If either player brings a clock to the board, the clock must be used ... "I don't like using a clock" or "I don't know how to use a clock" is not an excuse.  You do not need to have a clock to play in the main tournament (you need one to play in Blitz), but it's a good idea to get one for yourself ... using a clock keeps the game moving along.  Also, players are responsible for knowing how to set their own clocks, don't expect the Tournament Directors to help you.

    • Electronic Move-recording Devices:  The only authorized electronic recording devices are the Monroi, E-Notate, and the PlyCount.  Absolutely no other devices will be allowed--no cell phones with apps, etc.

  • Player Pairings

    • The Tournament Director creates pairings using USCF-approved computer software, with the pairings themselves approved by the Chief TD before they are posted to the public. 

    • During the first 3 or 4 Rounds of the tournament it is highly unlikely that siblings or teammates will be paired against one another.  However, the probability for this scenario increases in a late Round when siblings or teammates are in contention for trophies.

    • All players and parents should be aware that the Chief Tournament Director may use "Accelerated Pairings" for the first 2 rounds of the tournament.

  • Ties:  The Tournament Director breaks ties using the methods specified by the U.S. Chess Federation (Rules of Chess, 5th Edition).  Players or Teams tied for 1st place are considered "State Co-Champions."  However, the Player/Team with the best tie-break points will receive the 1st place trophy.  The sequence for Individual tie-breaks is: Modified Median, Solkoff, Cumulative, Cumulative of Opposition.  Ties among Teams are broken using these tie-breaks: Solkoff, Cumulative, Cumulative of Opposition.

  • Problems during the Game:  If you have a problem during play, stop your clock (if one is being used) and raise your hand.  Do not get into an argument or discussion about the game with your opponent ... it disturbs the players around you.  When a Tournament Director arrives at your board, state your question or problem and wait for the TD's reply.  You don't need to ask permission to use the bathroom.

  • When your Game is Finished:  Raise your hand and wait for a TD to arrive.  Do not rest your pieces until the TD instructs you to reset them.  The TD will ensure your game's results are properly written on the Game Result Slip.  DO NOT LEAVE before you verify your game results with a TD. 

Questions:  Contact Mike Hoffpauir by email, or phone 757-846-4805